Saturday, 2 February 2013

if and if-else control statements in java

The most common Control Statements in Java

Control Statement if and if.. else

The if Statement:

In Java if statement is most widely used. The if statement is control statement which helps programmers in decision making. The if statement uses boolean expression in making decision whether a particular statement would execute or not. This is a control statement to execute a single statement or a block of code, when the given condition is true and if it is false then it skips if block and rest code of program is executed. 

Introduction to Control Statements in Java

Control statements decide flow of a program


if, if-else, switch, nested if, switch, for, while, do-while, break, continue and return control statements

Control statements are used in programming languages to cause the flow of control to advance and branch based on changes to the state of a program. The statements inside your source files are generally executed from top to bottom, in the order that they appear. Control flow statements, however, break up the flow of execution by employing decision making, looping, and branching, enabling your program to conditionally execute particular blocks of code.
In Java, control statements can be divided under the following three categories: